Feb 5, 2023Liked by Pontia

Salām Pontia ! Chetori ? (Yes I am learning Persian!)

Very nice reflection as always.

Glad to hear about you again, I tried to reach out some time ago but my message got lost on the way.

Anyway, Karine here 🤓. Still French and hoping you will make it to Brussels at some point. I myself hope to visit my friends in Tehran & Qeshm, one day ✌🏼.

تا بعد! بوس😘

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Salaam, Karine! Lovely to hear from you! Yes, fingers crossed!

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Pontia

I'm loving your writing. I can't imagine the heartache of being torn between two countries that are not getting along politically. Keep sharing your experiences. Everyone in both worlds need to be enlightened. 🥰

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Thank you so much for reading and for your support!

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Pontia

Beautifully done for first generation American born in Iranian family . I wonder if that feeling is true for those who are not exposed to Iranian culture or the ones who do not speak Farsi ?

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I understand completely! My mom used to descibe my mixed cultures as "sitting between two chairs." I used to feel like I had to choose one over the other, but as I have grown older, I view them as my personal easy chairs and am grateful that I always have more than one seat in which I feel thoroughly comfortable and at home. Rahat-e rahatam 🤗

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I love that analogy!

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Pontia

I really liked it from now on I’ll change Persian to Iranian

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Pontia

Love this post. So well said, Pontia!

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Pontia

Salam Pontia!

Thank you for your post. Your thoughts reminded me of a book from Albdelmalek Sayad, the suffering of the immigrant.

It’s very moving.

Keep writing and smiling!


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Thank you for telling me about it. I will definitely check it out! Thanks for reading and for your support!

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Dorood Pontia! Didn't you write a similar story some years ago? When you mentioned the "sitting on the hyphen" part, it sounded familiar as if I had read it somewhere before, like a case of "déjà-lu"...

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Dorood, Gabriel! Good memory! The story is new, but you're right, the "hyphen" part is something I've mentioned frequently.

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I like the way that you write, the philosophical side must be Iranian and the punchy direct language American ;o) loving your website!

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